Place To Visit in India With Friends under $5000
PLACES TO VISIT IN INDIA WITH FRIENDS UNDER (5000) 1: NUBRA VALLEY, LADAKH Nubra Means Western In Ladkei thus Referring to the western valley perhaps Distinguishing it from the eastern shyok River Which is thinly populated . The Traditional name of the region is Dumra meaning the valley of flowers 3 Day stay ~~ 💰4000 《 Stay per Day ~~💰300-700》 Food 💰250-500🍗🍔 2 : GOA,India Tourism is generally focused on the Costal area of goa with lower tourists across activities inland. One of The biggest tourist attraction in goa is water sports 3 Day stay ~~💰3400 《Stay per Day ~~💰200-600》 Food 💰300-700 🍔🍗 3:SPITI VALLEY, LADAKH It Is The Coldest desert mountain valley located high in The H...